
G3326-01 / 05 / 15 2×Universal Blue SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix With 40×Yellow Template Dilution Buffer

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  • G3326-01 / 05 / 15 2×Universal Blue SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix With 40×Yellow Template Dilution Buffer
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G3326-01 / 05 / 15 2×Universal Blue SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix With 40×Yellow Template Dilution Buffer

This product is a 2x premix solution for qPCR using SYBR Green I chimeric fluorescence method. The core component, Taq DNA Polymerase, is a heat-activated DNA Polymerase blocked by antibody method, which can effectively inhibit nonspecific amplification under low temperature conditions. Meanwhile, combined with the reaction Buffer optimized for qPCR, Taq DNA Polymerase is very suitable for high specificity and sensitivity qPCR reaction.

A good standard curve can be obtained in a wide quantitative area, which is accurate, reproducible and reliable for the quantitative analysis of target genes. At the same time, this product contains a special ROX Passive Reference Dye which is suitable for use in all qPCR instruments, and there is no need to adjust the ROX concentration on different instruments. Blue dye is added in the premix, which has the tracer effect of adding samples, and yellow template diluent is provided at the same time. When the template is diluted with yellow template diluent and added into the blue reaction premix, the color changes from blue to green, which can play a tracer role in the preparation of reaction system process and prevent leakage or misaddition. The spectra of the blue and yellow dyes do not overlap with the qPCR dyes and do not affect the reaction results.


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